Sunday, August 15, 2010

What I Enjoyed And Disliked About The CIP Trip

Last Thursday,my class and I went to Fort Canning park.We went to the place by bus.While in the bus,our teacher Miss Lin gave us a worksheet that we need to do at Fort Canning.While in Fort Canning,I enjoyed finding the plants.Then I enjoyed touching the leaves of the plants.Some of them have smooth suface,some of them were rough.I also enjoyed the history of the king who lived and died at Fort Canning.                     

What I disliked is that the trip was too short.There is not much time  to learn more about the other plants.The place also has so much insects that when I went home I found myself with mosquito bites.I did not enjoy the weather that day because it was very hot.

I hope we can visit the place again.Next time I wish the trip will be longer and the weather will be nice.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Can This Happen In Singapore???

I watched a movie called THE KARATE KID two months ago in Tiong Baru Plaza.I went with my parents and my elder brother.Everyone was enjoying the story when half way, the movie stopped.First we thought it was part of the movie but when one of the staff informed us that there was a power trip affecting the whole plaza,we were all shocked.The staff asked all of us to go to the counter to have our ticket refunded.               

So how can this happen in singapore?????